
B4DS Notebook – Blockchain: find out hidden problems in emerging technologies through text mining
The era of digital transformation enhanced business activities and processes, leading to an evolution of the value chain in every industry. The large amount of data available opened up new scenarios and innovative approaches in the collection and in the analysis of...

B4DS Notebook – Boosting Natural Language Processing with Wikipedia
Introduction Natural Language Processing (NLP) is on the rise. Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence are joining their forces fostering breakthrough discovers. While research is focusing on dramatically improve NLP techniques, businesses are...

B4DS Notebook – Who’s in my patent?
Introduction Here goes a brand new B4DS notebook!! This week we talk about information extraction from patents. The first thing that comes to mind after reading this is why would someone ever want to find information in patents? They are strangely written, full of...

B4DS Notebook – Do designers need to understand how human brain works?
What is the aim of a designer? Studies in Engineering Design state that designing products and services aim at creating objects that satisfy user’s needs. So that, at the moment of manipulating objects, the understanding of human behaviours becomes a fundamental task....

B4DS Notebook – Causality and complexity in impact statements: Is it time to rethink a one-size-fits-all approach to writing about impact?
Researchers are increasingly requested to demonstrate that their research has produced an impact on society. What do researchers do when they address this request and say “my research has indeed produced an impact”? They do two important things: they produce...

B4DS Notebook – How to automatically translate contract terms into technical specifications?
Today we are going to understand how to manage technical requirements in the contract acquisition process. This process includes the analysis of the tender, the quotation of the technical and economic offer and the treatment of all contractual and legal implications....

B4DS Notebook – A bridge between education and labour market
In UN’OSSERVAZIONE 4.0, we discuss about what the Industry 4.0 is and which are the emergent technologies related to this new industrial paradigm. In this B4DS Notebook, we would show the impact of the so-called Industry 4.0 on the labour market. Are you aligned with...

B4DS Notebook – Learning in the Digitalization Era: The aid of Natural Language Processing in Learning Design
Welcome to a new B4DS notebook!! In this article we wish to introduce the PRELEARN challenge. It was part of EVALITA 2020, a workshop holding several Natural Language Processing tasks in...

B4DS Notebook – The Inner Sight of design in Data Visualization
Here we are with the last, but not least, rule of this “magic” journey towards the design of a good data visualization! After talking about continuous changes (The Magic of Design in Data Visualization), questions (The Childish Side of Design in Data Visualization),...

B4DS Notebook – Data: the Protagonist of Data Visualization
As we said in our first notebook, the world we live in, is a data world, where devices, digital transformation and the current COVID-19 situation pushed the production and the storage of a huge quantity of data. But, what about this data? How can we, as humas, gather...

B4DS Notebook – Empathically-design in Data Visualization
In this third notebook on Data Visualization (case you didn't, please remember reading our previous posts on The Magic of Design in Data Visualization and The Childish Sside of Design in Data Visualization) we want to talk about one of the major experts in Data...

B4DS Notebook – The Childish Side of Design in Data Visualization
The second rule we want you to get familiar with is the following: “Who knows all the answers, has not been asked all the questions” which is a quote of Confucius, a Chinese philosopher and politician who gifted us with real pearls of wisdom. Confucius left no written...

B4DS Notebook – The Magic of Design in Data Visualization
We live in a data world: smartphones, Internet of things devices, remote sensing, cameras, wireless sensor networks and radio-frequency identification readers are just a set of devices that produce a massive quantity of data. Digital Transformation pushed by Industry...

Notebook di B4DS – Un’osservazione 4.0
In questo nostro Notebook vogliamo presentare ai lettori 2 dei pilastri fondanti del nostro gruppo B4DS: il libro “Costruire l’impresa intelligente. L'imprenditore consapevole lo fa meglio” e il TECHNIMETRO®. Il primo è un libro divulgativo su impresa 4.0, in cui gli...

B4DS Notebook – Technological Forecasting in R
In questo Notebook mostriamo come predire l’andamento di una tecnologia utilizzando un modello di Machine Learning con un andamento ad S. Saranno mostrati nel dettaglio tutti i passi necessari per poter sviluppare in autonomia la vostra analisi in R. Ma quando si utilizzano le curve ad S? E cosa sono le curve ad S in Innovation Managment? Scoprilo nel seguente Notebook!